This video clip caught the scene how the Japanese journalist was shot and killed.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
2:55 PM Japanese Journalist Killed
UP-TO-DATE BURMA SITUATION REPORTS: Here, we present you most updated news about current ongoing genocide in Burma/Myanmar. Translated into English for international viewers from many Burmese/Myanmar blogs and informers from within the country. Our hero reporters are risking their lives to get and to submit this information. For updated pictures, please see original sources listed in the right column.
This video clip caught the scene how the Japanese journalist was shot and killed.
Genocide in Burma (Myanmar) A genocide has currently been going on in Burma for over 40 years under military government. People get arrested, tortured, lost jobs, lost licenses, abused, killed, and unfairly treated for believing in democracy. Justice is a dream in Burma.
What are "International War Crime Tribunals"? International war crimes tribunals are courts of law established to try individuals accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Who should be put on trial at International War Crime Tribunals? Criminals who committed crimes that include use of outlawed weapons; intentionally bombing schools, hospitals, mosques and churches; killing after a cease-fire; and starvation of citizens.
MASS MURDERERS = ThanShwe = Binladin = SadamHusein = Milosevic = Hitler
Our Bloggers: There are bloggers, who has been updating blogs, risking their lives, jobs, businesses, and even families, for you, for the world to know. This is an effort so far as we can do to translate up-to-minute news from all different sources within Myanmar. You are the heroes, NikNayman, MMEdWatch team, KoHtike, and SoneSeaYar teams! The world thank you!
Write to UN: Send your demand to send UN forces or NATO forces to Burma. Most military men wants a good leadership. But they are ordered to do anything. The world is a family now. Will you just stand there if your family member being attacked, abused, and killed? Click here to write to UN.